According to what was presented by the New York Times Magazine on the 27th May, 2020, it is crystal clear that the United States is undergoing a social problem of unemployment amongst most of its citizens. Now, this issue has been a bother to the United States as it creates more problems. For example, it results in criminal activities as the unemployed individuals get involved in criminal acts to earn a living. However, Marx begins to dwell on this matter by first availing the tale of the two free, self-interested persons who are both privileged to own properties and are both treated equally under the law. Both decide to get involved in transactions of the same. One of them agrees to provide the labor effort for a specified time frame while the other concedes on enumerating the first a certain value of the capital (Marx, & Engels, 1948).
After the contract agreement is concealed, a section progresses to a section where the product will be used by making the seller get involved in work activities. Marx, therefore, presents an idea after this that in a firm whereby both the person owning money and that who is in charge of labor power are both together, with a view of every individual and give them an insight up to the concealed area of production, on who threshold there is a display of the notice trying to elaborate that without a business idea, there is no entry. From this scenario, it is clear the way the capital produces and how it is also generated. Through changing the aim of analysis in this scope, Marx gives out his word that the hidden version of profit generation will be elaborated. By altering the scope of assessment from the market-based exchange to wage-based production, the entire labor progression, that is, the conduct of the labor and how it is related to social aspects that mold, directs, and handles it, will be identified as the capitalist valorization.
With the change in the view, there is a recognition made by the Marxian political economy to be the main part of the capitalist way of production and presents a view that it is the focal point from which the challenges that are incorporated with capitalism can be realized and its reality uncovered. The revealing of the important task stands to be very familiar during this period. It stood by the time Marx argued that enumerated task stands today to be the main pillar of the latest capitalist economic system. However, through working, every individual is in a position of acquiring the basic needs, that is, food, shelter, and clothing. However, the main concern is not only on the main way of segregating the enumerations but also on the keyway of segregating the status. Several individuals profit from health care covers and retirement benefits. Based on how family and paid tasks are ranked, the enumerated tasks appear the second most important after the family, unless the main source of sociality for millions. Having the young ones live a life that will often protect them from any employment aspects, which can be linked to be above their parents' segmentation, is the most adorable level of parenting. However, having the public included in the basic part of the task is just a section of what Marx comes into through the venue alteration. In the falling scope of the market, which has been referred to as "a very Eden" of flattened rights, personal freedom, and social harmony into the individualized areas of specialization, Marx aspires to politicize and at the same time publicize the field of work. It implies that the main aim the labor use seeks to portray the social function of work and, at the very instance, present it as a political challenge, regardless of the emphasis by Marx that the enumerated task for the individuals who are left with no choice is a way of forced labor. It stays for the main section and the pillar of domination (Marx, & Engels, 1948).
Since each person must get involved in the employment activities and usually a lifetime of employment, that persons should not only be performing tasks but rather become workers, it is not advisable to be taking place in the generation of the social well-being. In a nutshell, wealth creation is a joint process, not an individual process, regardless of the emphasis of ancient economic perception linking the personal effort directly to consumption. Marx argues that on a critical view for production, it is not basically meant for consumption aspects; however, how the two relate, it might be more open and incontrovertible. Otherwise, it is greatly recommended. Nobody would support the aspect of getting employed just for consumption purposes, but an individual should focus on the extra values of the employment and the investment aspects.
The Protestant Ethic
According to the article, "The Protestant and the Spirit of Capitalism," which is Weber’s work, is predominantly focused on analyzing how the ethics of ascetic Protestantism and the emergence of the capitalist spirit. Here, the author presents an idea that the religious argumentations presented by the likes of the Calvinists facilitated an enhancement of capitalistic spirit. Initially, he highlights that today's capitalist spirit observes profit from the individual's perspective and describes profit as a moral act. From these aspects, it can be deduced that Weber has an objective of properly absorbing the origin of such a spirit. He, therefore, decides to look up to the effective analysis from Protestantism. Therefore, Protestantism avails the step of the social definition and awards societal acts of a religious character. Even though this is very key, it cannot solemnly offer an elaboration on the importance of the following profit. Calvinism, as a branch of Protestantism, has this elaboration in detail. Such is because Calvinists have a perception of predestination, and this implies that God had already decided on who is doomed and who is saved. In the process of Calvinism progression, a very urgent requirement for the go-forward concerning whether an individual is really saved emerged. Therefore, it resulted in search of the societal aspects to come up with the way forwards. Therefore, they concluded weighing the weight of profit and material progression as a symbol of God's support (Weber, 2002).
Pietists, the Baptist sects, and the Methodist, among other religious groups, were considered to the same belief to a lesser degree. Such could be seen from the argumentation presented by Weber, that the previous economic system was brought down by the latest attitude, giving way to modern capitalism. Since the emergence of capitalism, they never considered the protestant values as they were now viewed as unnecessary. On top, the ethic of the protestant made some efforts on a specific lifestyle. We are now so much into the capitalist spirit viewed as a necessary tool for modern economic activity. Weber stressed his incomplete account all over his book. Besides, he is not in the argument that Protestantism brought about the new capitalism but on top. He emphasizes that this was some of the features. Above all, he also recognizes that capitalism on its own, did not affect the growth of ideas about religion. In comparison, the full story is looked upon as a more complicated instance than Weber's partial account. Besides, Weber too often enlightens the readers of his individual drawbacks. Several authors continuously criticized the article. However, some authors supported this article, for instance, Tawney who upgraded in his Religion and the emergence of capitalism through a presentation of an idea that the forces that were as a result of social and political aspects and the heart of individualism with is the aim of personality and vulnerability were very critical aspects in the improvement of capitalism as compared to the Calvinist theology (Weber, 2002).
Even though there has been a consistent maturity in capitalism as the eldest date that can be presented by the system only reaches the 16TH century, aspects of capitalism were very evident in the corporations which available during the ancient times in the world and the success of the capitalism pockets were evident during the following European Middle Ages. The capitalism advancement was facilitated by the emergence of the industry, which was processing English attires as from 16TH century to 18TH Century (Weber, 2002). The advancement which made a variation in capitalism and the initial system was characterized by applying the collected capital to widen the volume of productivity and opposed heavy spending on the unproductive aspects like cathedrals and pyramids. Such a step was given a hand by most of the historical activities. According to the ethics spearheaded by the reforms conducted on the Protestants during the period of the 16TH Century, there was a diminishing element of the ancient disdain for the acquisitive impact. However, the better part of the religious sanction was proportioned to hard work. Biasness aspects that existed were ruled according to the fact that there was a greater virtue present on the rich than the lower class people (Weber, 2002).
During the period of the 18TH century in England, the aim of capitalist advancement changed from business to company. The previous ancient times' continuous financial collection was mostly spent on implementing practical skills during the industrial transformation period. The presentation of the capitalism idea was made successful during the effort made on seeking into the structure and the implications of the Wealth of the societies. It was made successful by one economist and philosopher Adam Smith, who had an idea of leaving the economic steps flexibly to the voluntary participation and management of the forces that are within the market. By the time the French revolution came to an end, the remnants of feudalism had been pushed to oblivion by the Napoleonic conflicts. It implies that smith policies were most likely to be implemented (Weber, 2002).
The initial Protestantism was characterized by the having the bible specifically as the only producer of the valuable truth, the faith in the entire priesthood of all Christians, and the most divine belief that judgment of believers is determined with the degree of their link to God through faith only, but not through offerings, and beautiful performances. There was a habit of reducing the preaching period and emphasizing the ministry elaboration and the Bible study. Even though the Protestants never accepted asceticism, there was a rise in individual morality in specific sects like Puritanism, which resulted in an overrated austerity. With their emergence of principally and polity the forms of government bishops, there was a look upon the Presbyterianism by the protestants to come back to the initial Christianity as evident in the New Testament. After 18TH C, the Protestants began observing some advancements on the theological aspects. With the pressure brought forth by the romanticism, due to their act of emphasis on the subjective aspects in religion and forsaken the emphasis that should be placed on biblical aspects, this resulted in the dissolution of their initial theology (Weber, 2002).