With the increasing debate on gay marriage, a body is known as Lesbianism, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender act LGBT, was formed in the year 2008, to guide the rights of such persons in the societies, by offering them with similar opportunities and rights as other ordinary persons. Besides, the act was formed to safeguard their rights by keeping them from maltreatment by the local and national authorities (Newman). Although the law has not officially launched in many countries, records have it that, almost one-quarter of the entire world's regions have implemented it wither partially or fully. To obtain a clear and guided understanding of the topic, the discussion aims at studying some of the potential pros and cons related to gay marriage. A staunch decision can then be derived based on the arguments, depending on which side outweighs the other.
Pros and Cons of Gay Marriage
Some studies found from the secondary data sources and other pieces of information extracted from the court ruling judgment of the year 2014 by the high court judges in the USA, got breathtaking views on the same (Rothblum). The first pro of illegalizing gay marriage is that the second class of citizens would be created, and most importantly, the act seems so discriminatory. The decision to illegalize the practice appears to target a specific group of individuals only, and it's further meant to hurt, discriminate, and enhance deprivation of sex satisfaction among same-sex couples. Furthermore, it makes such people feel isolated from society and would not consider engaging in some of the institutional activities that ordinary persons have the right to. A former Washington dc governor quoted that the universe has long fought against discrimination at all levels; thus, any decision which will tend to facilitate or reinforce prejudice must be cut off. Moreover, one's choice is an immutable characteristic that is unavoidable; hence the group is sometimes categorized as minorities due to their nature of disability (Rothblum). There is a need to stop discrimination, and the creation of a second-class citizen group, hence gay marriage shields be legalized.
The second pro is that same-sex couples must be granted similar access and benefits, which is equal and identical to the one enjoyed by heterosexual couples. Equity and equality are again two significant prominent variables of consideration almost in all the nations which were initiated and implemented by united nation organization in its pursuit to create a levelled environment for everyone regardless of their physical orientations or any other observable o mental disorders. In a world, there exist several rights, protective measures, and standards, and freedoms that are associated with the married couples stated in the federal government laws. A quick intervention taken on these laws and policies depicted that, some of them are so specific to the married couples, such as the rights to get visits during hospitalization, possibilities of engaging in a joint tax venture to lower the total amount of tax paid and many more (Warner). The government, however, does not state in any of the chapters any benefits specified to the gay couples. As a consequence, reports declared that if gay couples are not accorded their rights and interests, then there is a likelihood that same-sex couples might incur an addiction cost of $41,167.
To prevent this, menace, gay marriage should be legalized to promote equity and equality in all aspects. Other pros include; (iii) The traditional meaning of companionship or relationship have changed its meaning just like there has occurred many technical changes in most of the sectors of economy; (iv) to successfully achieve the goals of the fight for liberty and equality, all the constitutions just like it happens in the USA, should protect the rights of Gay-married couples, and treat them and another group of minorities such as women, children, and older adults.
Nevertheless, there also numerous cons that support the fact that gay marriage should be illegalized. The first is that, traditionally, the institution of marriage has always remained to be considered as a linkage between a man and a woman. One of the high court judges quoted that, the policy is as old as the book of Genesis in the bible, which instructed a man and woman to interact in sexual intercourse and do the task of procreation. Scholars argue that this mandate can no longer be fulfilled with the gay-type of marriage, and thus referred to the people supporting the act as being antichrists (Warner).
Secondly, the majority understands that children deserve all the kind of attention and quality care to help them mold into people with great personalities in the future. For this reason, it is argued that, preferably, children should always have a mother and a father to offer the company. With the gay type kind of marriage, it is not possible to have that, and thus children are deprived of their rights upon the legalization of gay marriage (Warner). The third and last point to oppose the motion highlights that homosexuality is both immoral and unnatural; thus should whatsoever be abolished in all conditions.
In summary, this discussion on the legalization of gay marriage is healthy because it equips the readers and learners with the ability to understand the various pros and cons of the activity. Meanwhile, based on this discussion, it is coherently clear that despite the legalization of gay marriage has some disadvantages, the potential advantages still outweigh the cons; hence it is more effective to conclude that gay marriage should be legalized.