Factory farming remains the most widespread animal rights issue in the world today. The industry is global, firmly established, and in many countries, it is growing, especially in the United States and Europe. Farming elicits ecumenical scenes of animals pasturing sunny in woodlands and unfathomable environment. The majority of beef, dairy products and eggs in stores is provided by animals from factory farms today, but few recognize what the factory’s or the animals that live on them are (Galgut, 2017). Questions resonate on why people that own these animals should be allowed to spay them or not. This is because such a decision may be driven by numerous factors that relate to their gains or gains that relate to the animals. In this paper, animal ethics will be discussed based on the values surrounding spraying and raising them for commercial use in farm factories.
Why Factory Farming and Spaying of Animals should be allowed
It is estimated by 2050 that the world's population will exceed 10 billion (Milligan, 2015). In the agricultural sector, if we can feed that many people, we have some catching up to do. One of the techniques suggested for solving this problem is factory farming, which is a solution now in place. The processing of animal products on a massive scale is the custom of animal farming. Cattle, poultry or pigs are used to keep them in controlled conditions to promote fast breeding and a rapid gain in weight so that food can be put on the market.
Factory farming permits the large-scale production of livestock products. Scale makes it possible to keep prices for products, such as feed and livestock. This allows for a reduction in food prices on the market. At the same time, the industry and the farms can benefit from the scale industry, enabling local, national and regional economies to continue to progress. In the past farming meant a great deal of manual work every day to grow a harvest. Automation contributed to reducing this volume of work. Factory farming integrates robotics into the process, increasing human tasks further.
In comparison with what farmers have had to do in the past, this means fewer persons can look after larger farmers with better care. Factory farming makes the market accessible to livestock products faster and more food resources available. Factory farms need employees, which implies that when one is established, local jobs are created. Farms must have drivers on the road to deliver their goods. To start preparing their commodity, they need food processors. Such jobs require other organizations to support their efforts, such as a nearby feeding supermarket and lead to creating more jobs. A farm can provide financial support in a variety of ways for local communities.
On the other hand, neutering has some advantages. Spayed animals have unwanted litter to collect, care for and finally find homes. Many of these stray animals are going to be sheltered and euthanized. Unneutered dogs (intact) are deliberately grown for meanness. The necessary neutering stops such a procedure. Neutered domestic animals are less confrontational and aggressive, rendering them softer and easier to handle. (Spayed cats are not nervous about spaying, and they are not going through loud heat phases to mark their territory.)
Why Factory Farming and Spraying of Animals is Unacceptable
An immoral and inhumane practice has been induced in animals in such factories. Such inhumane practices challenge the animal's health and wellbeing together with our health, our livestock and the effect on our ecosystem. The food we eat has an impact on our wellbeing. In today's farmhouses, animals are trampled into disgusting, dimly lit huts, into enclosures, iron cages and other torturing devices by hundreds. Such creatures never live with their children, plant themselves in the ground, build nests or do something healthy and meaningful for them. Most of these animals in the factories will not even feel the sun's heat on their back or smell fresh air until they have been packed into slaughterhouses by the day they are taken.
The farming industry is committed, always at the expense of the animals, to maximize output while minimizing costs. Large companies which run the majority of farms have found that, although many animals are killed by disease or infection, they can earn more by squeezing as many animals as possible to small spaces. Factory animals tend to be terrified and tormented. They often have so little room to turn around or to lie in comfort. Egg-laying gens are kept in small pens, in jam-packed hens are held for chickens and pigs and on cramped, muddy feedlots for the cattle. Antibiotics are used to speed up the growth of livestock and to maintain them in health fewer environments healthy. Research shows that the excessive use of antibiotics by factory farms can induce anticoagulant-resistant bacteria that endanger people's health (Naconecy, 2014). Many plant-farmed animals have been genetically modified to produce bigger than they usually would or to generate more milk or eggs. Those chickens are so abnormal that their limbs will not support their equally large bodies, and if they do not have food and drinking, they suffer from starvation or dehydration.
If they have grown large enough to kill or are worn out from milk or eggs, animals raised for food are crowded on cams and transported for thousands of miles through all extreme weather, usually without food or water. Those who escaped travel in the slaughterhouse were going to have their guts cut, often while still conscious. Many are wary when they are submerged in the scalding-hot waters of the hair removal tanks when their heads are shaved off or chopped away.
Spaying is also an adverse act considering the current state of managing pets and animals around the world. An animal is the responsibility of the owners, and personal decisions should not govern such actions. Furthermore, the owners themselves determine whether to encourage an individual to reproduce. The weight gain and the rise in some forms of bone cancer are a function of early declines of sexual hormones, which have some adverse health consequences. The decision should be left to the individual and the doctor, though; it may be necessary to spay or neuter. The animal cannot take enough time to develop organs and bones until it matures in early spawning and neutralizing. This is particularly true in broad groups of dogs that can develop slower than usual. Those who choose not to invest or neuter, especially when Veterinarians are asked to report owners who do not cooperate are less likely to be given appropriate medical attention for their pets. Moreover, individual vets do not want people who choose not to spay or to neuter because it is not a public health problem to report.
Analysis of Reasoning
American capitalists also developed the "Factory Farming" model with many troubling elements. This sophisticated agricultural system has stripped the farm out of agriculture and substituted it with a rugged, controlled environment for growth. The days have passed when animals have been looked after and treated as being living with needs; they are just production facilities that supply protein to the world. A program designed to inflict pain and suffering at all times of your existence and finish your life in a humiliating, barbaric, inhumane manner, without consideration and in any way (Faught, 2019). Therefore, the negative impacts outweigh the positive impacts on this industry. Both from the animals’ and human health care perspectives. Factory farms are a pest, a monument and a degradation of our soil, polluting our lakes, rivers and shore, breathing the air and stealing wealth for our precious life.
These factory farm advantages and disadvantages demonstrate that the potential is great for this process, but significant risks are also needed. Somehow we will have more mouths in the next few generations to feed this planet. Farm production provides one possible solution. We still have time to get right, but the time is diminishing rapidly. Animals are mistreated in the farming industry. We not only create a food and agricultural revolution by action against factory farming; we also help to stop the inhumane way of food produced by billions of livestock. It could not be simpler to get involved in combating factory farming. Just subscribe to Compassion in World Farming for email updates to hear about emergency campaign action and other ways to end farm animal cruelty.