The Compromise of 1850 was composed of five bills that tried to deal with slavery disputes in the new territories of the United States during the Mexican American War of 1846-48). In the wake of this war, Compromise of 1850 allowed California to be a free state while both New Mexico and Utah were both allowed to decide for themselves whether to be free states or slave states. This step led to the creation of a boundary between new Texas and New Mexico, which made it easier for the owners of the slaves to recover runways, which was catered under the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850. Henry Clay, who was a leader of the Whig party, was responsible and a mastermind of the Compromise of 1850, which later led to the Mexican- American civil war. The civil war was as a result of United States President James K. Polk believing that America's destiny was to spread all over the whole to the pacific ocean. The Americans defeated Mexicans, and as a result, Mexico lost many territories, including California, Utah, New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada, and many others, which contributed to almost one-third of the country.
The five main bills of Compromise of 1850 included:
- Adding California to the Union as a 'free state.'
- They were establishing New York and Utah as territories with the ability to decide whether they would allow SlaverySlavery as sovereign states.
- The American citizens were helped by the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850 to apprehend runaway slaves and deny them the right to be tried by a jury.
- Creation of Texas-New Mexico boundary, but the State of Texas was compensated with $10m.
- Finally, the Compromise of 1850 allowed SlaverySlavery to be practised in Washington, but the slave trade was abolished in the state.
The Compromise of 1850 had enormous significance in America. Through it, Americans were able to continue peace that was attained in 1820 by reaching temporary political equilibrium between the south and north. Further, the Compromise of 1850 helped the United States to expand its territory by including California to be one of its states. California was a territory that was rich in natural resources, minerals like gold and silver, and agricultural products. These resources benefited the people of the United States as a whole.
Draft Riots
Draft riots was a civil war that took place in New York City in July 1863. It took place at lower Manhattan as a result of new laws passed by Congress to recruit men to fight on the already on-going American Civil war. The riots took five days. Angry riot wage war on New York City by burning closed factories, draft offices, destroying railroad tracks and telegraph lines, as well as hunting soldiers and police officers who were deployed in the city. Even before the shock of massive destruction of the property could settle, the rioters waged war on black people as the poor Irish people thought they would have to compete for jobs with blacks after the Union embraced Emancipation. Ultimately, the draft riots led to the death of more than 106 people. This made the riots to be the most deadly and violent rebellion in the history of the United States. However, the soldiers and police officers were able to suppress the war eventually. Although the riots were suppressed on July 16, 1863, the government had to uplift some of the laws passed by the Congress of recruiting more people to the American Civil War. Many blacks also moved out of America as the draft riots had turned to race riots. This significantly reduced the population of blacks to ten thousand, which was only one per cent of the American people at that time.
Election of 1864
The Election of 1864 was a Presidential election in America, which was held on November 8, 1864. The poll was between two candidates; Abraham Lincoln of the republic Party and George B. McClellan of Democrat party. Abraham Lincoln won the elections, which only involved states that had not detached from the Union as the elections occurred on the eve of the American Civil War. Therefore, the results of the polls were majorly influenced by people's opinions on the war. Some favoured the fight to continue, and these were the supporters of Lincoln, who was the sitting president and those who opposed the continuation of the war, who would support the new government of MacLellan.
The Continuities and Discontinuities between the Whig Party of the 1830s and 1840s, and the Republican Party of Abraham Lincoln
Whig Party became active in the US in 1834-54. The party was initially organized in 1834 to bring together coalition groups that had become loose following the view of its party members that King Andrew Jackson had turned tyrannical. The name Whig was borrowed from the British Party, which was opposed to royal prerogatives. However, Jackson won the elections of 1928 and 1934, shattering the National Republican party. However, Jackson nullified the second Bank of the US, and this allowed Henry Clay to unite fiscal conservatives and states of the south who believed that the republican initiative as a protective tariff and helped in financing of internal improvements.
In the mid-1830s, members of the Anti-Masonic movement joined with Whigs marking another step forward for the party. This strengthened the party, and they continued to push for presidential supremacy in the country. As a result, the party won in 1840 under Harrison, who died before his inauguration, and John Tyler succeeded him. In 1844, Clay lost the elections due to misgauging the popularity of expansionism and his opposition to Texas annexation. This marked another discontinuity for the party. However, in 1848, the party won again under Zachary Taylor, marking a significant step forward. However, the death of Taylor affected the progress of the party due to poor leadership of Millard Fillmore, who had succeeded Taylor. As a result, Americans could not trust the party leaders. In 1854, its members started joining the Republican party marking the end of Whig party in the US.
Republican Party was founded on March 20, 1854. In 1854, the Republican Party marked a significant continuity in the politics of the US as many members from Whig, former Democratic, and Free-Soil parties. The party opposed SlaverySlavery and propagated for the abolishment of SlaverySlavery.
The party did not instantly win the elections until, but in 1860, Lincoln won the elections making a big step forward. However, the party would immediately have a discontinuity due to the American Civil War, which started from 1861 to 1865. One significant achievement of the Republican Party during Lincoln's leadership was setting all the slaves in almost every state through Emancipation Proclamation.
Role African-American Slaves played in their Emancipation in 1863 and Lincoln Actual Role in ending SlaverySlavery
Africans could not have gained independence if it were not for the integral part they played in ending SlaverySlavery during their Emancipation of 1863. Most of African Americans had been ways of gaining freedom by walking in large numbers and making their way to Union lines to access food and clothing. The slow-spreading freedom affected the Confederate economy, and the confederates had to accept the defeat by the Union. African Americans men also admitted to being recruited to the war after Lincoln had promised them their freedom and freedom of fellow African Americans.
African American scholars also contributed to the end of SlaverySlavery in their way. They wrote many pamphlets about African Americans and their history and the role they played in American history. The brochures would usually include personal accounts of SlaverySlavery, sermons of SlaverySlavery, organizational proceedings, legislative and presidential campaign resources, records tracking from the anti-slavery organization as well as commencement addresses. The pamphlets, which were mostly by African authors, campaigned against SlaverySlavery and the importance of freedom f slaves.
After the end of the war and African Americans were provided with freedom by the Constitution, 13th Amendment, African Americans faced many hardships such as lack of funds, and riots from the Whites. However, this did not end African Americans' thirst for freedom, and they continued to organize themselves, usually looking for their lost family members. Although it seemed impossible for African Americans to get freedom, mainly due to chaos of the postwar, which targeted the Blacks, the backs met that mess with a great wave of organization, especially their hunger to get an education. After years of postwar chaos, the Whites slowly started to accept blacks as their fellow citizens due to African Americans' dedication to building the country and competing in every sector with the Whites.
Although African Americans played a significant role in their freedom, they are indented to Lincoln's emancipation proclamation, which he signed in 1863 for all the African Americans to become free. Through the signing of the emancipation proclamation, Lincoln permitted African Americans to be recruited to the military. It was the signing of a declaration by Lincoln that allowed African Americans to be freed. Without his role, African Americans could have fought for longer without achieving their freedom.